Ana Karina

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Mastering The Hair Trim: Benefits and How To Know When You Need A Trim

A hair trim is not just a routine maintenance hair task. Hair trims are a skill that can transform your hair over time from dull to vibrant and from damaged to healthy. In this blog post, I will walk you through the essential information you should know about hair trims including:

  • What is a trim?

  • 4 benefits of hair trims

  • 4 signs you need a trim

  • Trim vs. Haircut

  • How often should you get a trim?

What is a trim?

A hair trim refers to the process of trimming the ends of the hair without altering the length or style.

Trim vs. HAircut

The difference between a trim and a haircut is simple. A trim is the act of only removing the ends of the hair to achieve a refreshed look on the hair, layers, and style. Now, a haircut is the act of cutting more than 2 inches off of the hair to achieve a more drastic change to the length and style of the hair.

4 Benefits of hair trims

  • Prevention of split ends

    • Constant trims help keep split ends from happening. The more you go without a trim, the worse split ends will get over time. Meaning, the more hair you will have to cut off to get rid of them.

  • Hair growth promotion

    • Keeping up with hair trims will help maintain your hair healthy. So, the healthier your hair is, the longer it will be able to grow without breaking off due to dry and split ends.

  • Helps maintain hair shape and style

    • Hair does not grow perfectly even throughout the head and shedding plus breakage naturally happens. Meaning, overtime, hair will lose it’s shape. To maintain an even shape and style to your hair, you should be getting it trimmed often.

  • Confidence boost

    • Who doesn’t walk with any extra skip to their step when they know their hair is on point and looks healthy and shiny all the time? Our hair adds a lot to our confidence, the way we feel, and the impressions we make. If we look good, we feel good!

4 signs you need a hair trim

  • Visible split ends

  • Hair breakage

  • Hair gets easily tangled

  • Your hair has no shape/ volume/ and looks lifeless

How often should you get a trim?

Everyone’s hair growth patterns, lifestyle, and texture is different.

Do you use hot tools? How do you normally style your hair? How often do you wash your hair? Is your hair color treated?

Many things will play a role in how often you should be trimming your hair. However, a safe time frame to go by is to get your hair trimmed every 3-4 months. (Ask your hairstylist how often is best for your lifestyle.)


You must be thinking “my hair is never going to grow if I trim it that often!”.

Think about it this way..

6 months may not seem like a long time. But do you realize what your hair goes through in those 6 months? A lot. Hair is fragile and even if you do not use hot tools often, color your hair, or wash it often .. hair still gets damaged.

If you go a while without trimming your hair because you think that is going to help it grow, you are wrong. Split ends will happen, it's normal. If you do not trim them off, they will only get worse and move up the hair shaft meaning you will not only need a hair trim. By then, you will need a whole haircut to remove the damage since it will be higher up on the hair.

Split ends and dry hair means breakage. If you do not trim your hair constantly, your hair will cut itself. That is why we constantly feel like our hair is not growing. We choose to not cut it so it can grow long, yet it gets damaged in the process so it breaks off.

Keep your hair healthy, maintain it, and you will see the real wonders that trims do to our hair!